The olive tree belongs to the Farga variety and is located in Cervera del Maestre (in the Valencian part of the Sénia Territory). It reaches a trunk perimeter of 695 cm at a height of 80 centimetres from the ground, thus representing one of the largest trees in the area. It is approximately 1,100 to 1,200 years old.

Following the VALSIPAM project, financed by the Interreg-Sudoe programme, in which the following Spanish SIPAMs took part:
- Salt production in Añana (Álava)
- Sultana cultivation in Axarquia (Málaga)

WOOE (World Olive Oil Exhibition) is the first fair in the world dedicated exclusively to the world of olive oil. Forty-seven countries took part, more than 300 companies were represented and more than 5,000 visitors attended.

The 11th Congress on Millenary Olive Trees of the Sénia Territory will take place on Tuesday morning, 28th November at the Casa de la Cultura of Ulldecona. During this event, the GIAHS certificate awarded to the Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia and the Sénia Territory association for the Millenary Olive Trees Agricultural System last May in Rome by FAO’s General Director, Mr. Qu Dongyu, will be extended to all sectors that are part of or collaborate with this GIAHS.

On Thursday, 23 November 2023 with the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC)

The Minister of Culture and Sports, Miquel Iceta, has presented the “Green Book for de sustainable management of cultural heritage”, which contains examples of good practices in which environmental, economic and social sustainability criteria are a

On Saturday, June 10, 2023, the 18th Taula del Sénia Exhibition was held in Canet lo Roig, taking advantage of the 20th Canet lo Roig Oil Fair during the days 10 and 11 of June.

On Monday, May 22, 2023, at the FAO headquarters in Rome, the Director General of FAO QU Dongyu presented Mª Teresa Adell (Manager of the Taula del Sénia Commonwealth) and Jaume Antich (President of the Sénia Territory Association) with the recognition for "Millenary olive trees in the Sénia Territory" as GIAHS (Important World Agricultural Heritage System), being one of the 74 in the world and 5 in Spain: “Valle Salado de Añana” (Álava), “Uva pasa