
entrega reconocimiento

Recognition of the 'GIAHS Millenary Olive Trees Territorio Sénia' at the FAO, Rome

On Monday, May 22, 2023, at the FAO headquarters in Rome, the Director General of FAO QU Dongyu presented Mª Teresa Adell (Manager of the Taula del Sénia Commonwealth) and Jaume Antich (President of the Sénia Territory Association) with the recognition for "Millenary olive trees in the Sénia Territory" as GIAHS (Important World Agricultural Heritage System), being one of the 74 in the world and 5 in Spain: “Valle Salado de Añana” (Álava), “Uva pasa en la Axarquía” (Málaga) , “Millenary olive trees of the Sénia Territory” (Castellón, Tarragona and Teruel), “Historical Irrigation of l'Horta de Valencia” and “Montañas de León”. Having delivered the first 2 in 2018, this time the other 3 were delivered: Olivos Milenarios, Horta de València and Montañas de León.

foto de grupo

In the morning, after the words of the representatives of the Governments of the 8 countries, the individual delivery was made by the General Director of the FAO to the Directors of the 24 new GIAHS, with the individual photos and that of the group of 24  After that, the Director General visited all the stands and while visiting the one of the Millenary Olive Trees, he was offered the latest published book “Millenary Olive Trees, identity of the Sénia Territory”.

In the afternoon, M.ª Teresa Adell, Manager of the Taula del Sénia Commonwealth, explained the main characteristics of this System aimed at protecting, conserving and enhancing the more than 7,000 monumental olive trees that still live and bear fruit in it, thanks to the private-public collaboration and, above all, thanks to the work and love for the olive trees of so many generations, which have made this area the largest concentration in the world.