

Museum of Pou del Mas

La Jana

La Jana is loated in the north of the Comunitat Valenciana, in the region of the Baix Maestrat and has a total of 970 millenary olive trees, but as its territory is rather small (only 19,5km²), this means it also has the highest concentration of these specimens: 49,7 OM/km².

Due to its location on the ancient Via Augusta, La Jana has always been a traffic and communications center where still antique mile stones and remains of Roman villas can be found. After signing an agreement between Jose Joaquín Llorach, owner of the plot, the town council, the cooperative and the Mancomunidad Taula del Sénia, the area of the Pou del Mas was enabled as Natural Museum of Millenary Olive Trees. In less than one hectare there are 21 millenary olive trees, some of which are very spectacular.

After leaving the car in the car park where there is one panel of the museum and two other panels (one about the Sénia Territory and the other about La Jana), the whole tour is by foot. On the entrance stairs, there are two panels, one of the itinerary to follow and one of the oils of the millenary olive trees and in addition plates of the most important received prizes won. Inside the estate, there are nine more signposts, highlighting the most outstanding olive trees.

For people with reduced mobility, it is advisable to follow the path for about 300 m until the bend to the left, enter from there, walk around the whole estate and come out again at the same place.

Inside the Museum, it is advisable to follow the order of the posters (from the 1 to 9). It is worth highlighting the olive tree nº 106 (poster no. 2) "el olivo de las parejas" that, besides its remarkable size and shape, received the AEMO prize for the best monumental olive tree of Spain 2014 and also the olive tree no.117 (poster no. 3) "la Farga del Pou del Mas" which, according to the dating of the Polytecnic University of Madrid, was planted in 833 A.D., in the time of Abderramán II.

The tarred access road to the estate from the CV-113 coincides with the route of the ancient Roman Via Augusta which can be seen in current identification signs.


Pou del Mas

12340 La Jana (Castellón)

Museo natural Olivos Milenarios “Pou del Mas” (La Jana)

Open location